Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Update from Johnnycake

Hi everyone, this is John (better known as “Johnnycake”) reporting.  Delie thought it was about time to post some new pictures of me, but she really should be doing more productive things.  I have therefore taken this project into my own hands.  By blogging myself, I can show you my most flattering pictures.  Just take a look at this one for example:
I know.  Pretty cute, huh?  You just gotta love my double chin.  Here’s another one: 
 That one was taken when I was trying to get the internet cord.
Let me tell you, that is pretty fun.  It’s also a great way to get attention.  You should give it a try.

This next picture shows me making a really good looking face.  Yes, I’m handsome alright.  Delie just looked over my shoulder and said I sounded conceited.  She just doesn’t know what it’s like to be this cute.  
I’m pretty clever, too.  Recently, I discovered a great box under a piece of furniture in the kitchen.  That box was full of cookbooks.  I knew right then and there that if I was ever going to be a good cook, I had to take a look at those.  But not everybody agreed with me.  That is to say, they kept moving me back into the living room to some boring toys. 
Then Mommy got the idea that she should get rid of some of those wonderful books so that they would all fit on the same end table.  She filled a bag for Goodwill and moved the rest of them.  Next, she told George to fill the box with my toys.  I was not so easily fooled.  Not at all.  I thought it would be polite to play with them for a little while, so I made the best of it.  But today Delie saw me doing this:

She seemed to think it was funny.  I’m not sure why.  Maybe she’ll understand when I’m a great cook and filling this blog with my recipes. 
For now, however, I should probably go take a nap so that I’ll be all energized for whatever mischief comes my way.    

Until next time, 