Sunday, December 30, 2012

Our "Island Vacation"

We just got back from our island vacation in the middle of the Mississippi River.  Mamie and Big George have a hunting cabin on Davis Island, and for the first time in four years, we, as well as my cousins, were able to go with them.  (You can see the last time here.)
Normally, the river is so deep that we have to be ferried across; but this time we were able to just drive across the barge. When we left, the river was up to the truck's headlights, but we made it! *deep sigh of relief*
William was thrilled to be able to hunt with Mommy and Daddy.  He fell asleep, however, but not before he had seen some deer.
Some of the younger ones had an archery match with  our longtime Island friends, the Campbells.  Our friendship goes back for three generations. 
Mealtimes were lots of fun--not to mention delicious!
Philip, Martha, and Samuel, a.k.a. 'The Three Stooges,' had a great time together.  I wonder how they earned their nickname?
On Saturday, Big George's sister's family drove through the rising Mississippi to spend the day.  We visited the ruins of Jefferson Davis's home, a library, and a cemetery from the 1800's.  I love the picture of Marcus and the four unidentifiable boys in camo at the cemetery.
Before leaving, the Smith and Moss grandchildren and grandparents piled on and around the Kubota. 
We made a lot of memories and had a very special time on our island vacation. 

1 comment:

Laura said...

What special family time, so glad you were able to go this year. I'm sure lots of memories were made.